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    Experienced team with extensive know-how


    With imminent commercial launches in next couple of years and support from a seasoned leadership team, TLC is realizing our founding mission - delivering transformative lipid nanomedicines rooted in Taiwan to improve patient outcomes worldwide.

  • Management Team
  • Board of Directors
  • Management Team

    TLC's Management Team is comprised of seasoned professionals who operate the business with a focus on innovation, corporate governance, and shareholder value. They have been recognized for their commitment to these principles by earning the highest ranking in Corporate Governance Evaluation for six consecutive years, a testament to their dedication to transparency, equitable treatment of shareholders, and social responsibility. The team's leadership has positioned TLC as a pioneer in the biotech industry, steering the company through various stages of clinical trials and product development with a disciplined approach to cost management and a strong financial backing. Their expertise is not only in managing the company's operations efficiently but also in fostering a culture of agility and learning, which is essential for driving growth and success in the fast-paced biotech sector.

    Keelung Hong, PhD

    Founder, Chairman & CEO

    George Yeh, MBA


    Vincent Chang, PhD

    Vice President, CMC & QA

    Sheue Fang Shih, PhD

    Vice President, Product Development

    Yunlong Tseng, PhD

    Vice President, Research & Development

    Amanda Sung, MBA

    Head of Finance

    Terry Tai, MD

    Director, Regulatory Affairs

    Bella Kuo

    Director, Alliance Management

    Paige Tsai

    Director, HR & Admin

    Wayne Liao, PhD

    Director, US Operations

    Board of Directors

    Our board members possess extensive business experience and professional knowledge, enabling effective guidance of the company's strategic direction, ensuring long-term development and steady growth.