Need for highly concentrated dosing for the lungs
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Inhalable liposomal hydroxychloroquine
For treatment of various chronic and acute lung diseases
Development Status
Phase 1 complete
TLC19 is a proprietary inhalable liposome formulation of hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine has shown potential in prophylaxis and/or treatment for COVID-19 in in vitro and preliminary clinical trial studies, but orally administered hydroxychloroquine cannot reach therapeutic levels due to its dose-limiting toxicities. TLC19 utilizes ~1% of the highest oral hydroxychloroquine dose tested and delivers the drug directly to the airways and lungs, potentially avoiding systemic toxicities while providing a sustained effective concentration at the primary site of infection. TLC19 is designed to be cost-effective, easily accessible and can be self-administered with a portable nebulizer.
Lung diseases
Phase 1 complete